CTF Cyber Defenders Discovery Camp 2020 [RE (Windows)-2] Dissect Me LET THE GAMES BEGIN! Open Ghidra. Load binary. Go through the entire binary because its labelled reverse engineering, then find the Bitmap embedded in the binary. [RE (Windows)-3] Cheat Me Be patient :) Then you can get what you want. [!W!A!R!N!I!
CTF redpwnCTF 2020 pwn/kevin-higgs It's basically Rowhammer, right? This challenge is a golf challenge where teams can flip a certain number of bits anywhere in memory. The number of bits that can be flipped goes up over time until a team first solves the challenge, at which point the number
CTF Zh3r0 CTF 2020 Help We're given a binary with a few useful functions. The first of which: void ok(void) { ssize_t sVar1; undefined local_28 [32]; puts("Hello world."); g = g + 1; if (g == idontknow) { sVar1 = read(0,local_28,0x29); if (sVar1 == 0) { puts("Why couldn\
CTF WeCTF 2020 Challenge files can be found here. lightSequel Shou just learnt gRPC! Go play with his nasty API! We're given source code for a gRPC service built in Golang. One function in particular looks interesting: func (s *srvServer) GetLoginHistory(ctx context.Context, _ *pb.SrvRequest) (*pb.SrvReply, error) { md, _ := metadata.
CTF HSCTF 7 (2020) Got It Oh no, someone's messed with my GOT entries, and now my function calls are all wrong! Please, you have to help me! I'll do anything to make my function calls right! This is running on Ubuntu 18.04, with the standard libc. Connect with
CTF Defenit CTF 2020 Bad Tumblers [Precondition] 0. Hundreds of wallets contain about 5 ether (tumbler) 0. Hackers steal more than 400 ethers through hacking per exchange 0. Hacker commissions ethereum tumbler to tumbling 400 ether from his wallet 0. After tracking the hacking accident that reported by exchange A, we confirmed that it
CTF RCTF2020 Switch PRO Controller I bought a Switch PRO Controller!! It’s really cool! Two files are provided: * Packet capture of some form of USB HID device * Screen recording of someone typing out a flag with a on-screen keyboard The screen recording unfortunately, has the flag visually obscured. The objective here
CTF Hack-A-Sat Qualifiers 2020 SpaceDB The last over-the-space update seems to have broken the housekeeping on our satellite. Our satellite's battery is low and is running out of battery fast. We have a short flyover window to transmit a patch or it'll be lost forever. The battery level is critical
CTF Cyber Defenders Discovery Camp 2019 Qualifiers Writeup of Challenges Solved for CDDC 2019 Qualifiers
CTF PlaidCTF 2019 Can You Guess Me Given the following application: from secret import secret_value_for_password, flag, exec ... val= 0 inp = input("Input value: ") count_digits = len(set(inp)) if count_digits <= 10: # Make sure it is a number val = eval(inp) else: raise if val == secret_value_
CTF WPICTF 2019 Bogged This challenge involves issuing "bad" commands that have to be authenticated by a token generated through the following "leaked" source code: import hashlib secret = "" def generate_command_token(command, secret): hashed = hashlib.sha1(secret+command).hexdigest() return hashed def validate_input(command, token_
CTF SwampCTF 2019 Future Fun This reversing challenge dropped a nearly 10MB binary on us. Given that I had no intention of reversing this mess, I took another route to solve this problem. The challenge description has interesting bits in it though: Deep on the web, I discovered a secret key validation. It
CTF boot2root 2019 EasyPhp This challenge was split into 3 parts - one had to give inputs to fulfill all 3 parts before getting the full flag. <?php include "flag.php"; highlight_file(__FILE__); error_reporting(0); $str1 = $_GET['1']; if(isset($_GET['1'])){ if($str1
CTF Securinets Prequals 2019 There were 3 challenges that I found really interesting - Welcome, because after getting the flag, I realised that the method I took was probably...not the right one. Useless Admin, while crib-dragging is a huge pain to execute as one has to guess words that are present in the